A Word for 2015

I know it’s February already and these “word of the year” posts have been all but forgotten, but I thought I’d share my word to give some insight into how I want to frame my year, and maybe provide some motivation for you, as well.

I’ve never been one for setting New Year’s Resolutions.

And I’m still not. I don’t think I’ve ever stuck with one through to December, and countless others have shown I’m not alone. For a while, in light of such a small success rate, I gave up on resolutions altogether and decided to just take life day by day. I’d set daily or weekly goals to help me get on the treadmill more than once that week, visit family more often, or avoid the vending machine at work. That worked for a while (it at least seemed more manageable to set smaller goals), but soon I found myself putting them off just one more day, or one more week, until it got to the point where I wasn’t setting anything at all. I’m just too busy, I’d say.

That’s why I find the idea of one word to guide the year so intriguing. Rather than make yet another To Do list for my life, I instead choose a word that will guide my thoughts, actions, and decisions throughout the year. I’m not bound by a certain set of goals or resolutions, instead, I’m focusing on making my life more focused. I’m not revamping my life by becoming a gym rat, cutting out fat, overbooking my social calendar to make room for everyone, or giving away all of my possessions in the name of simplifying.

This year, I’ve chose the word purpose to guide me. While it’s a word that can be taken in many different directions, I personally want to be more purposeful this year. I don’t want to just go through the motions of day to day life and forget why I’m doing certain things. I go to work to support myself and build a life, I’m visiting others because I care about them and want them to really know that, I’m choosing foods to nourish my body and mind because they’re good for me not because they’re on sale at the grocery store or are the only option. Last year, I made a promise to myself to live more intentionally, and I believe being more purposeful will help me to stay on the right track.

I don’t know how this will manifest itself throughout the year, but with some time, hopefully I can find a rhythm to keep me motivated and inspired. Here’s to a purposeful and inspirational year!

Image via David Baker under Creative Commons.

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3 thoughts on “A Word for 2015

    • Samantha | Splendor and Forge says:

      Hi Eliza — I must have completely missed your reply, thank you so much for letting me know! 🙂 And I loved hearing from you! I completely agree, I find the days that I’m more mindful of what I’m doing and why (like a recent day trip I took to the beach), make not only the day, but the memories of it, so much better. It’s not something I’ll easily forget if I make a conscious effort to be more purposeful about my actions.


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